Teams Tip 13 – Record your Teams meetings

You can record your Microsoft Teams meetings. The recording captures Audio, Video, and any screen sharing activities. The meeting is recorded in the cloud and saved to Stream , meaning you can manage, download, and share along with all your organisations other Video content.

At the most basic level this allows you to have a record of what was discussed either to go back to or share with team members that could not attend. However this can be used to easily create company or department announcements, management team updates, news items, demos, solutions to commons problems or any other communications you might use video for in your organisation.

So how do we do it?…well it couldnt be simplier, once in the meeting just click the ‘…’ and click ‘Start Recording’ like this:

Once clicked you will be told you are recording in a message at the top of the meeting. Once finished you simply click stop recording from the same menu.

The video is saved to Stream, however you will also see a link to it in the meeting chat window, and be emailed a link to it from Stream. Obviously as with all your Stream video content, it does take up space so you need to ensure this use of Stream is included in your storage planning.

Here are a couple of links to help explain further and give other prerequisites and considerations:

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